Do you feel that 20% of what you & your employees deliver accounts for 80% of the value needed to scale your business? This figure is the norm; it means 80% of the work done in most businesses is waste.

Is your business executing your strategy to the level you expect? Are your people objectives aligned to your strategic objectives? Is the team fully engaged and focused on executing the most important tasks? Are you a ‘first things first’ kind of an organization?

One common challenge that quietly sneaks up on successful growth companies is the subtle transition from excellent, precise execution to passivity, complacency and eventually poor execution disciplines.

Jeff Sutherland wrote: “The people who multitask the most just can’t focus.” Welcome to Scrum the art of doing twice the work (value driven work) in half the time.

By simply tightening up your execution habits, and aggressively addressing ‘Urgent Important, Non Urgent Important …’ better known as Eisenhower’s matrix of blah blah blah, you can dramatically move the needle from 20% and improve gross margins and profitability whilst improving ‘velocity’ and focus.  

Jim Collins wrote: “Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline,” and there are 10 habits all leaders must get right to work ‘ON’ the business and not ‘IN’ the business.  

Growth Tools

All tools are free to download, practical, effective and simple to deploy, all conform to the One Page KISS Rule and are designed to help you turn your vision into action and strategy into sales.

The following tools will help you reduce by up to 80% the time it takes you to manage the business, freeing up your leadership team to spend more time working ‘ON’ the business, not ‘IN’ the business.  In this section you can download the following growth tools:

Agile Execution

10 Rockefeller Habits

Is there a clear alignment between your employee’ objectives and your strategic objectives? Do you suffer from the Tower of Babel effect whereby people & teams do not communicate effectively? Are people complaining of too many things to do and no time to get them done, right? Are you growing so fast you are at risk of the wheels coming off? Or is it simply that strategy and execution live two totally different realities?

There are 10 fundamental habits that support the successful execution of your strategy, habits that haven’t changed for the 100 years since John D. Rockefeller implemented them in becoming the wealthiest person ever and building what has morphed into one of the largest companies today. ExxonMobil.

The Rockefeller Habits checklist will dramatically increase profitability and reduce the time it takes to manage the business. And like the checklists that are critical to the airline industry in making sure its planes stay in the air, consider these 10 habits as a “pre- flight” checklist for keeping your company growing and not stalling.

But take note, without developing your culture and fiercely defending your core values, you may end up following ExxonMobil. This is why a core element of our work together is to develop the ethos “culture eats strategy for breakfast.”


 Turn strategic vision into action.

Key Results

  1. Clarity & Alignment
  2. Momentum & Results Focus
  3. 90 day OKR performance management company wide
  4. Fully engaged highly     disciplined workforce
  5. Class leading Customer     retention & Profitability
Agile Execution

Agile / Scrum

Times are a-Changing, and the pace of change is accelerating into the exponential. Companies & CEOs Lifecycles have halved. Adapt or Die.

Do you still rely on your 5-year plans? Is the annual budgeting cycle still valid?  Are you managing through the chaos of what we now call VUCA? Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity, is the new norm, and new rules of strategic planning and execution are needed to win.

Are you finding it hard to adapt and win? Are the tools and systems that helped you win no longer fueling growth?  Are your teams living in silos? Is decision taking painfully slow compared to your competitors? Is your Innovation and New Product Development producing ‘great stuff’ nobody wants to buy?

Welcome to Management 3.0. Where agile, adaptive systems and people flourish, and 90 day strategic sprints rule the waves!

Agile is Scrum and Scrum has its origins in Toyota’s lean management. Scrum combines the essence of kaizen (continous improvement) with agile management to create teams that are autonomous, masterful and purposeful, geared to manage through the chaos of today’s disruptive economic reality.

Scrum attacks VUCA full on. The result of over 20 years’ incubation, mostly it must be said in the software development industry, it has recently gained momentum as the only tried and tested framework that CEOs can apply to win.  It works well for any complex, innovative scope of work. We are using it in bottling plants, facilities & building management, manufacturing and traders. The possibilities are endless.

We have empirical data showing how the very best teams have achieved a 700X increase in productivity.

Let me repeat that. The very best teams have applied Scrum and improved their productivity by 700X!

The Scrum framework is deceptively simple to implement but needs discipline, focus and agile leadership, plus an experienced coach to keep you on-track. Ed has over 20 years’ experience in Toyota Quality Management principles of management and is part of the core team at Agile ME bringing these disciplines to the Levant and Middle East.


Twice the work, in half the time.

Key Results

  1. Twice the work in Half the time, with happier workforce and rapid improvements in the labour efficiency ratio
  2. Daily cross functional scrum meetings result in better faster decision taking at strategic and tactical levels
  3. Customer driven value chain resource management results in faster, more profitable go to market initiatives
  4. Value driven not time driven strategic planning and budgeting
  5. 90 day OKR performance management company wide where change is welcome & reflects value creation
  6. A systematic approach that supports the ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast’ ethos of companies like Urbanise, Google and countless other high growth companies.
  7. A special few are applying ‘velocity’ the core Scrum metric to managing the performance of their CEO and his/ her Senior Management Team…the possibilities of what you can achieve are endless….
Agile Execution

Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)

Is everyone focused and disciplined on doing the right things first? Is everyone on the same page? Are people working in silos? Is effort focused and do goals ensure cross-functional alignment? Can anyone see real-time progress against the top priorities? Is the important work visible? Do you sometime feel you as a company are going nowhere fast? Have you a disciplined goal setting process? Do goals stretch people?

Given the choice how likely are you to recommend your existing performance management system to a colleague?

The OKR framework accelerates how fast and how effectively your company turns its vision into action. OKRs help your company focus efforts on the same important issues throughout the organization, and because they are visible to everyone, and we mean everyone, OKRs help everyone work toward the same results. When applied to Strategic Scrum the results are phenomenal, a key element to accelerated states of happiness and performance.

An Objective is something that must be accomplished by the company and an individual. Objectives must create stretch; they should make you feel uncomfortable. For every Objective there will be 3-5 Key Results. Key Results are the ‘definition of done’ for ensuring an objective has been accomplished, and they describe outcomes, not activities.

Example OKR Lifecyle
Image by BetterWorks


Clearly align employee’ objectives and strategic objectives setting.

Key Results

  1. Disciplined Think, Plan, and Act cycles aligning the entire company within weeks of setting the new 90-day strategic plan, where the right to dos & goals will surface and get done
  2. Double backs and supports Top Grading & Setting Personal Scorecards Growth Tools
  3. Accurate cross functional, cross company communications, no BS required.
  4. Let everyone know what is important and pushes teams towards operational excellence under SCRUM thus supporting the essence of high performing teams. Autonomy, Mastery & Purposefulness.
  5. Keeps teams aligned, and helps individuals prioritise their workloads (and learn to say NO to urgent but not important requests)
  6. Establishes KPIs for Measuring Progress during the daily scrums and weekly sprint reviews
  7. Focuses Effort and Fosters Coordination, building the foundations where culture eats strategy for breakfast


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